January 2020 report on Hogar San Jose, Argentina

By Maria Reynolds – President of the NGO owner of the Hogar San Jose

Girls working in the vegetable garden

Girls working in the vegetable garden

Hello Friends of the Hogar San José!

We are in the middle of the summer holidays in Argentina, and it is a very slow time of the year for the girls at the Hogar San José.

The school year ended mid December, and our girls did well. You can see Candela (middle of the picture) receiving her diploma showing she completed primary school. Some still have to go a few days in February to finish up some courses but most of them completed the school year. Moving ahead in their education is very important and very difficult as well, since the abuse suffered causes the girls to have many cognitive problems. Learning for them is much harder that learning for other children.

We had some volunteers come and help us start a vegetable garden. Taking care of it is a positive experience for everyone at the home! (See pictures).

The home has a swimming pool and the girls enjoy it quite a bit!

We had our end of the year thank you party, and the girls helped decorate the flower pots we gave our volunteers and benefactors. (See pictures)

We are planning a 4 day trip to the Argentine coast, which is the highlight of the girls summer. A foundation lends us a house and volunteers drive the girls and care takers to Mar Del Plata, which is 5 hours away. We are still looking for 3 volunteers willing to drive and enjoy the 4 days with the girls, or alternatively funding the transportation. Next report will include pictures of how we did!

If you are in Buenos Aires, we invite you to visit us at the San José Home!

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Regards, María

Candela receiving her diploma

Candela receiving her diploma

Girls decorating flower pots

Girls decorating flower pots

Girls swimming in the pool

Girls swimming in the pool

People who work at the Home

People who work at the Home

Decorating the home for end of the year party

Decorating the home for end of the year party

Mantenete al día

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